Do you ship internationally?

Yes, I ship worldwide! If you can't find your country in my shipping options, send me a message or email and I'll be sure to add it to the list :•) Please note that shipping prices vary depending on location and will be calculated at checkout.

When will I receive my order?

After your order is placed, your item(s) will ship within 2-3 business days. You will receive an email with the tracking number once your package has shipped. Once a package has been dropped off, the timing is no longer under my control.

If you live outside of the U.S. your package could take up to several weeks to arrive. Each piece is wrapped and packaged carefully to ensure its safety on its way to your home!

How do I care for my pieces?

I recommend hand-washing your pieces to ensure longevity. Do not expose them to sudden shifts in extreme temperatures as that can cause stress to the piece. Every Slow Studio piece is completely handmade and will require some love and care :•)

When will you restock your shop?

If everything is sold out, I'm likely working on a new collection! As a one-woman team, shop updates may take a little more time but you can always check my Instagram to see what I'm up to and to get the latest updates :•)

Will you be making more of _____?

Possibly! Each collection tends to be pretty unique to itself which keeps things fun and exciting for me (and hopefully for you all too!)

If I like making a specific design, there's a good chance it'll come back but if I don't, there's also a very good chance it'll never come back. If you fall in love with a certain piece, I would definitely recommend grabbing it while you can!

Do you take wholesale orders?

I take a limited number of wholesale orders at a time. If interested, please send me an email at michelle@slowstudio.shop with details including your store name, what you're looking for, quantity, and a projected deadline for the project. I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as I can!

Do you offer returns/refunds?

No, all sales are final and I do not offer any returns, refunds, or exchanges.

Slow Studio pieces are entirely handmade and may vary slightly in size, shape, and color. These are natural characteristics of a handmade item and are not considered flaws (unless noted otherwise).